

Thoughts on health, happiness and sustainability

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This changes everything

A few months ago I found myself in the bizarre situation of flying over Greenland and Alberta while reading This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein.

It was somewhat ironic as I burned my way through the sky over the ice, but reinforced my belief that we need to stop treating climate change like a distant and minor concern and treat it as the most serious challenge humans have ever faced. We need to listen to the climate scientists and not the “science of wishful thinking”.

We need to rethink our lives, our culture and our economy, and it needs to start now (including getting people like me to cut down on air travel). Whatever issue you care about in life, climate change trumps them all, which is why we all need to stop leaving it to the environmentalists and start doing more than “our bit”, getting educated, thinking long term and working together to make rapid and positive change.

I hope 2015 can be the turning point.

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